Dove Campaign for Real Beauty

Project 1Project 1aProject 1bProject 1cProject 1dProject 1e
After seeing a video on how billboards are made, Dove also wanted to show just how many images and suggestions are made every day. The video starts off looking at a girl in the center of the frame, she’s young maybe 8, and then music in the background singing, “Here we come”. There are 10 seconds of flashing images, you may not know but there were over 30 images and words that you just witnessed in 10 seconds (yes I counted!). This video really uses visual and sequence to get it’s point across, showing all these skinny models, and then moving to dieting, and then finally surgery. The video pieces together words from dieting and beauty advertisements to show how they sell themselves by, “transform (written), younger, smaller, lighter, firmer, tighter, thinner, softer” Notice how all the women’s heads are exactly in the same place in each advertisement. Then it shows just how women go about attaining these results, by pills, dieting, exercise, vomiting, starving. The woman on the scale vacillating from skinny to fat is meant to represent the viewer’s obsession with looks and the lengths that one will go to achieve those looks. Farther from there there’s surgery: eye/face lifts, microdermabrasion, chin tucks, liposuction, Botox, lip fillers, breast augmentations, tummy tucks. The video ends with a group of girls walking to school, none the wiser of the “onslaught” (the title of the video) of images they are faced with on a daily basis.